Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Forest Green

Say hello to my new favorite green trousers! As soon as I seen them on the Forever 21 website, I knew they had to be mines. Even though their a little big in the waist, as most of Forever 21's clothes are for me (so annoying!), Im still determined to make them work! I also hate that I have no ass in these pants too! Hahaha oh well. As my friend always says, "it be like that sometimes." Lol.

Happy Tuesday!

Blazer: Forever 21, Pants: Forever 21, Top: Forever 21, Purse: Vintage


AllThingsMe said...

I love the pants! The color is gorgeous!

Lisa-Bisa said...

super cute love it!



Ughhh in love with this outfit TOO MUCH! I love how colourful you are <3

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